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How to Attract Abundance From the Universe

How to Attract Abundance From the Universe

If you're reading this, you've probably been struggling with abundance lately, and want more blessings to make their way into your life. Do you want to live your dream life, an abundant life, a life where you decide where you go and what you do? In this article we will discuss a few ways and daily habits that you can use to manifest abundance into your life.

What is Abundance?

Abundance is usually associated with wealth, but in reality, you can have an abundance of many things. One can be abundant in love, abundant in joy and happiness, abundant in good health, abundant in time, and of course, classically abundant in things such as success, wealth, and riches.

So, how do you manifest abundance?

Now that we've understood what abundance is, we can go ahead and start attracting abundance into our lives. The key to attracting abundance is forming an abundance mindset. If you think this is crazy, just stay with me here. Read some of the methods, have an open mind and give them a wholehearted try. A real try. Once you realize that your perception and thoughts create and shape your reality, the whole playing field of life has changed. It may take people a minute to come to this realization. For others it may take years. But trust me when I say that you can't bash it until you've given it an honest try. What's the worst that can happen?


Everything in this world starts out as a desire. Each person's desires shape what they work for. If you have a strong yearning for abundance, you're on a great start. If you don't, begin to create that within you. Say to yourself every night before you go to sleep and every morning when you wake up what you want, until it turns into a burning passion. You will realize once you have this desire that you cannot let it go, and you can't help but act upon it until you transform it from being a thought form into this physical reality.

Abundance Mindset

An abundance mindset is all about infusing positive emotions into the way you look at money and wealth. Your mindset is the backdrop upon which you act in the world, subconsciously or not. So if you have limiting beliefs about money, why work hard to try and attain it. The reverse is also true. If you believe anyone and everyone can live an abundant life, why not work hard and try to attain that?

Keep track of your thoughts, what is your mindset regarding wealth currently? Is your mind coming up with positive thoughts or negative ones? This will help you pinpoint what exactly you need to change to create an abundance mindset.

Let Go of Limiting Beliefs

In order to manifest wealth, you got to get your belief system in order. Get rid about your limiting beliefs surrounding money. A lot of people create these stories for themselves about wealth, abundance, and money, they are simply not true. These thoughts can look like:

  • Money is bad or evil

  • Money is limited

  • Not everyone can be wealthy

  • Rich people are bad people

If you catch yourself thinking one of these thoughts, replace it with one that aligns more with your future goals and the abundance mindset that you are creating.

Money is everywhere. The opportunities to create wealth are endless. There is an infinite amount of abundance available for us to grab. There is no cap on the amount of money anyone can make. I will quote the famous classic The Richest Man in Babylon to prove this:

And then another friend spoke up and said, "If what you tell is true, and it does seem as you have said, reasonable, then being so simple, if all men did it, there would not be enough wealth to go around."

"Wealth grows wherever men exert energy," Arkad replied. "If a rich man builds him a new palace, is the gold he pays out gone? No, the brickmaker has part of it and the laborer has part of it, and the artist has part of it. And everyone who labors upon the house has part of it. Yet when the palace is completed, is it not worth all it cost? And is the ground upon which it stands not worth more because it is there? And is the ground that adjoins it not worth more because it is there? Wealth grows in magic ways. No man can prophesy the limit of it. Have not the Phoenicians built great cities on barren coasts with the wealth that comes from their ships of commerce on the seas?"


Already Mine Affirmation Wallet

Already Mine Affirmation Wallet

Affirmations are a great way to combat a scarcity mindset, and tap into your subconscious mind. You can use them in a variety of ways to bring more abundance into your every day life. Here are some affirmations you can use to start off with:

  • I am a money magnet

  • I am grateful for all the opportunities that are coming my way

  • I am confident in my ability to create the life of my dreams

  • I attract abundance in all that I do

  • Everything I desire is already mine

Some ideas of how to use affirmations are:

  • Listening to guided meditations containing affirmations

  • Making a vision board

  • Putting post its with affirmations around your house

  • Listening to music with good affirming lyrics

  • Repeating affirmations out loud, especially in the morning or before bed

  • Writing them down every day in a journal

Practicing Gratitude

Grateful Heart Gratitude Journal

Grateful Heart Gratitude Journal

The universe loves gratitude, and rewards those who are grateful. One good way to start practicing gratitude is to start a gratitude journal. A gratitude journal is a great guided way for beginners to foster thanks and it will help your eyes focus on the good things and opportunities that come your way. Some other ways to incorporate gratitude into your life are:

  • Saying thank you more often and more intentionally

  • Stating three things you are grateful for out loud when you wake up or when you go to sleep

  • Writing thank you cards to your loved ones

  • Gratitude meditation

If you are finding it difficult to think of things that you're grateful for, start with the little things that you may be taking for granted. Even something that might seem trivial, like saying thank you for having food to eat, will help you start to see the blessings in your life. Not only can gratitude help cultivate abundance, but it's scientifically proven to increase happiness, especially when you make it a long-term habit and practice it on a daily basis.

Giving Back

While it may seem counterintuitive, giving back is a critical component to attract abundance. We at Mili, give 10% of our profits to charity, because we know that giving back is one of the secret laws of the universe to create wealth.

Once you let go of the idea that you need money, it will be much easier to give back. Once you start giving to others, God, the higher power, the universe, whatever you believe in, will see you as his personal investment bank, a person that he can invest in to conduct his activities here in the physical world.

Charms and Amulets

Evil Eye Tree in Cappadocia, Turkey

There are many trinkets and good luck charms that are associated with abundance.

Some crystals for attracting abundance are: Citrine, Emerald, Tiger's Eye, and Jade.

There are also colors that are associated with abundance. In China, red is often associated with prosperity.

Additionally there are even plants that are said to increase prosperity such as the Money Tree, The Rubber Plant. Blue Sage works wonders for people who like smudges. Read more here.

Releasing Your Fears

In the book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill outlines six basic fears that stand in the way between a person and their success. These are: the fear of poverty, criticism, poor health, loss of a loved one, old age, and death. Once you conquer your fear, and trust yourself and your intuitions, you will have nothing stopping you from the road to riches and success.

Read, read, read!

Reading a book

Speaking of books, if you want to really shove your negative thoughts out of the door, in addition to learning about the secrets to success, wealth, and abundance, read. If you want to take charge of your life and build it up to align with your dreams and your goals, reading is an incredibly powerful tool.

Reading is a great way not only to attain knowledge, but also slowly seep abundance mindset into your subconscious mind. If you are having trouble letting go of some of your negative thoughts around wealth, try to read books about your desired mindset, they often times will include very strong arguments against your negative emotions that will convince you otherwise.

Here are some of our favorite books to help you on your journey in manifesting abundance:

  • The Richest Man in Babylon

  • Think and Grow Rich

  • Rich Dad, Poor Dad

Creating Abundant Habits

As you can see manifesting abundance is simple, but sometimes simplicity takes effort. There are many ways to attract abundance and manifest your dream life. Different methods will work and resonate with different people, but it's important that you figure out what works for you and transform it into a daily/weekly/monthly habit.

Let us know what you are using in your daily routine!

And if you're stuck, search Mili to find your new favorite way to bring more abundance into your life 🤎

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